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You're Probably Not Getting Enough Daily Steps, Here's How to Get More


Updated: Feb 19, 2023

Canadians and Americans average about 5000 steps a day which is well under the recommended 7000 steps according to the latest meta analysis of 15 studies across 50000 people and 4 continents. 7000 was shown to be a good minimum and Those who had higher step counts had a 40-53% reduced mortality risk! Total Steps are just one important component in living a healthy life and even if one is at a healthy weight, getting adequate steps is still beneficial for overall health

Link to the Study :

Here Are Some Benefits Of Getting Adequate Daily Steps

  • Decreased Joint pain (lubrication and strengthening surrounding ligaments)

  • Boosts immunity

  • Helps Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat

  • Helps prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes

  • Improves muscle endurance

  • Improves your balance and coordination

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Helps reduce stress and tension

  • Increases V02 max

  • Reduces blood pressure over time

  • Improves depression related symptoms

  • Reduces risks for cardiovascular disease up to 30% over time

  • Improves resting heart rate, triglycerides and cholesterol especially among walking social groups

21 Ways To Get More Steps In

  1. Split up your walks so its not cumbersome.

  2. Track your steps with fitbits, free pedometers on phones or smart watches

  3. Walk for short errands

  4. Walk during work lunch breaks

  5. Use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators

  6. Walk after eating as it aids digestion , sleep and helps control blood sugar

  7. Have a total weekly target meaning on days which you have more time or energy, take more steps to make up for other days with lower step counts

  8. Take walks during commercials to pass the time

  9. Park farther away when going shopping (also keeps your car safer from errant car door swings)

  10. Get a dog or offer to walk your neighbour's dog

  11. Get off the bus or train 1 or 2 stops early and walk the rest

  12. Take business calls or meetings on the walk

  13. Put on a podcast or audiobook and walk outside to make time fly while enjoying scenery

  14. When carrying groceries in or carrying items at work, carry one at a time to get more steps in

  15. Do more Household chores and organizing

  16. Get a more active job if possible

  17. Schedule walks

  18. Walk around in between sets at the gym

  19. Try and watch videos on the treadmill

  20. Set step count competitions or goals with friends for fun and accountability

  21. Get a mini stair stepper at home that you can use while watching videos or working

Let us know how you've been increasing your step counts.

Please share, subscribe and Lets get steppin!

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