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What to Do When The Weights Are Too Light


Whether you're stuck at a home gym, hotel gym or nursing an injury, there are many reasons why the weights may not be heavy enough.

Conversely you could just be looking for new techniques, trying to save time, trying to get stronger, get better pumps or looking for new variations.

You've come to the right place!

Down Sets
Down sets are straight sets, but with less weight (usually 10-20% less) than the previous sets. By lowering on subsequent sets you can keep reps in the “hypertrophy” range. Works well on compound movements and single joint movements

Giant Sets

Giant sets give you a certain weight to lift, an RPE range to hit and a goal of total reps over as many sets as it takes. An example is aiming to do 80lbs for however many sets it takes to get 50 total reps, while taking normal rest between each set. This will let you focus on technique. Works well for single joint and compound exercises.
Myoreps are similar to straight sets However, the first set is usually between 15-20 reps with RPE 9-10. Rest 10 seconds between subsequent sets aiming to hit at least 5 reps per set and for at least 4 sets. (However you can go as low as 3 reps to increase number of effective reps in a set)
Drop Sets
Drop sets are similar to myoreps, but with even shorter rest times because weight is reduced by 10-25% on average between each set with no rest between sets. Drop and Go!

Paused Reps

Very effective for increasing tension and strength depending on load used. Works even better with compound movements versus single joint movements.

Resistance bands

Use simultaneously with weights. This method Works best with compound movements, so Carry one when you travel!

Controlled Eccentrics
Controlling the eccentric portion for 1-3 seconds to increase time under tension and the mind muscle connection. Works well for compounds and single joint exercises

Seated Exercises

Doing shrugs, lat raise and other exercises seated to take away leg drive and swinging, therefore requiring less weight. Works best for single joint exercises

Unilateral Exercises

Things like lunges and split squats. (If you squat 300 lbs but the hotel gym only has 200 lbs try some split squats and you wont need 200 lbs)

Other Techniques Include

  • Shorter rest times

  • Changing leverages (hand placement wider on pushups if mobility allows)

  • Increase range of motion

  • Using very strict form especially if weights are light

  • Changing variations of the exercise (close grip, supinated grip, pronated grip)

  • Training on different planes (changing the degree of incline on a bench or your own body position)

  • Introducing instability

  • Get rid of equipment like knee sleeves, belts, wraps if you can

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