According to the Cleveland clinic, 1 billion people are deficient in vitamin D and half of the global population has insufficient levels of vitamin D. This is a travesty considering how critical vitamin D is and even worse, the government wont promote getting your levels checked.
*The following is not medical advice, consult a doctor for appropriate steps.
How Much Vitamin D per Day
The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin D is currently set at 400–800 IU/day, but this is likely too low for many adults. For moderate supplementation, a 1,000–2,000 IU dose of vitamin D3 is sufficient to meet the needs of most people. Higher daily doses are in the range of 20–80 IU per kilogram.
The upper Tolerable Intake Level in north america is 4,000 IU per day .Many think its could be as high as 10,000 IU/day, but there is limited data on that outcome.
Vitamin D3 is better absorbed than D2, should be taken with vitamin k2 and a with a fat source.
Vitamin D Benefits
Reduced risk of MS
Low vitamin D is linked to increased risk of heart disease
Reduces infection from viruses and respiratory infections
Reduced risk of osteoporosis
Low vitamin D is linked with higher rated of depression and anxiety
Relief from symptoms of autoimmune diseases
Who is at Risk for Deficiency ?
Skin color: Pigmentation in the skin reduces the body’s ability to absorb UVB rays from the sun. Absorbing sunlight is essential for the skin to produce vitamin D.
Lack of sun exposure. (People who live in northern latitudes or areas of high pollution)
Those who work night shifts, or are stuck in homes
Those Breastfeeding
Older adults: The skin’s ability to synthesize vitamin D decreases and Older adults may also spend more time indoors.
Those with conditions that limit fat absorption: Vitamin D is fat-soluble, meaning intake is dependent on the gut absorbing dietary fats.
People with obesity: High levels of body fat can limit the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D from the skin.
People following a gastric bypass: This surgery bypasses a part of the upper intestine that absorbs large amounts of vitamin D. This bypass can cause a deficiency.
Best Sources of Vitamin D
Some foods contain vitamin D naturally, and others are fortified with it. You can find vitamin D in the following foods:
Canned tuna
Cod liver oil
Beef liver
Egg yolk
Regular mushrooms and those treated with ultraviolet light
Milk (fortified)
Certain cereals and oatmeal (fortified)
Yogurt (fortified)
Orange juice (fortified)
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