Ever wonder if you're doing enough sets per week? Curious about different variations? This is the place to find out.
Recommendations are based on research and training experience from various lifters
Volume and Load
6-18 sets a week
2-3 sessions a week (the more sessions you do, the more sets you can handle)
30-85% of 1 Rep Max
5-30 reps per set, Heavier Rep ranges {6-10 reps} should be done with free weights and you should use various rep ranges throughout the week
2-7 sets per exercise
Progressive Overload
When it comes to increasing load its best to do so during a 4-8 week cycle before deloading.
This can be done by increasing the weight, increasing the reps per set, increasing RPE or adding sets (adding sets should be considered last or near the end of a cycle)
RPE\rate of perceived exertion (how many reps you have left before failure in a set)
Estimating RPE will come with experience but it's best to train as if you have 1-2 reps left per set.
Week 1: 45 for 4 sets of 10-15 reps (Set 1 may be 15 reps, set 2 :13 reps, set 3:11 reps, Set 4: 10 reps)
Week 2: 55 for 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Week 3: 55 for 4 sets of 10-15 reps
Week 4: 60 for 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Week 5: 60 for 5 sets of 10-12 reps
Its hard to go up in weight with biceps every week so adding sets and reps or varying intensity (pauses, tempo) is preferred.
Different Bicep Exercises should target the long head and short head of the biceps for maximum growth and shape. All heads will be hit with each exercise but some heads will get more stimulus based on the exercise.
Long head target (pronating grip/ palm neutral or down will help target long head)
Dumbbell Hammer curl
Hammer preacher curl
Cable hammer curl
Rope hammer curl
Ez bar or barbell reverse curls
Short head target (supinate grip/ palm up will help target short head)
Ez bar curl
Dumbbell curl
Dumbbell preacher curl
Cable curl
Machine curl
Seated incline curl
Rest is typically 30 seconds to 80 seconds between sets.
When it comes to rest, Consider how much reps you're getting on subsequent sets, how recovered your breathing feels and how recovered the muscle itself feels, then adjust time. Start on the low end of rest time to save time and/or to increase the burn and mind muscle connection.
Biceps recover fairly quickly and intensity techniques work well.
Sample Programming
Monday: Ez bar curls 3 sets of 6-10 reps, Machine curls 3 sets of 10-12
Thursday :Hammer cable curls 5 sets of 12-15 reps, Alternating dumbbell curls 3 sets of 12-20