(These suggestions are general, won't apply to outliers and this is hypertrophy focused)
1-4 times a week
At least 2 sets per exercise and 3 sets per session
0-9 sets a week.
Front delts get a lot of secondary work from chest training). Volume, exercise selection will depend on your goals, fatigue, bio-mechanics and genetics. How does the exercise make your joints feel? Are you getting good pumps are DOMS from it? These are things to consider.
it's advisable to train in different rep ranges especially when it comes to compounds vs single joint movements and to choose a push day where you start off with shoulders before chest or vice versa, again this is up to priorities.
Load should be the 30%-90% of your 1Rep Max
The 5-30 rep range is generally considered the best for hypertrophy but 5-20 seems to be more practical, (5-10 rep, 10-20 rep groupings) for shoulders.
When it comes to increasing load its best to do so during a 4-8 week cycle before deloading.
This can be done by increasing the weight, increasing the reps per set, increasing RPE or adding sets (adding sets should be considered last or near the end of a cycle)
Rpe\rate of perceived exertion (how many reps you have left before failure in a set)
Estimating RPE will come with experience but its best to train as if you have 1-2 reps left per set.
-Barbell, dumbbell EZ bar, or cable Front Raise
-Seated barbell or dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Smith Machine seated or machine Shoulder Press
-Standing Barbell or dumbbell Shoulder Press.
-resistance band press
Its important to periodically vary exercise because the body adapts and repeating the same bio-mechanical movements for an extended time may increase injury risk. You can choose different exercises every 3-5 weeks or when the exercise isnt providing the same stimulus. Consider the factors mentioned in the volume section
Rest times are generally in the 1-2.5 minute range but changes depending on cardiovascular and muscle fatigue or techniques deployed.
Sample Programming
Monday: seated barbell/dumbbell press 4 sets of 6-10 reps
Thursday: ez bar/cable front raise 3 sets of 10-20 reps
For Strength
Reps in the 1-5 rep range with compound shoulder pressing movements. Generally 3-5 reps per set because going too heavy (1-2 reps) all the time may cause too much fatigue and not enough reps under load.
Frequency 1-3x a week is ideal depending on your goals
For more detailed explanations on RPE, rest times, volume etc, those will be addressed in other blog posts