Plan meals for the week so you only buy what you need
Meal prep allows you to stick to what you've made and makes it harder for you to let it go to waste
Cook at home more and more , IT IS cheaper than eating out (including fast food)
Cook large portions and use left overs for snacks or freeze it for later usage
Eat before going shopping or to a restaurant to avoid buying excess
Buy whole foods/single ingredient foods and refine your palate to get used to them (usually on the outside of the aisles)
Buy generic brands as long as the ingredients are good
Avoid highly processed foods and pre-packaged meals to save money
Buy cheaper cuts of meat IE: chicken thighs vs breast
Replace some meat with other proteins (canned fish, legumes, greek yogurt etc)
Shop for in season produce and freeze it if you can
Buy frozen veggies and fruits
Buy in bulk
Grow your own produce or find a friend that may have some in their garden
Always pack your lunch and snacks to avoid buying extra
Use online retailers for deals
Use coupons
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