The term superfood is overused but there are some foods that can make a big difference in your health and well being so here are
Low in calories yet high in antioxidants.
Helps DNA damage
Fights against oxidised cholesterol
Helps lower blood pressure
Helps delay brain function and mental ageing via anthocyanins
Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
Darky leafy greens
(spinach or kale)
High in vitamins especially vitamin K and plant compounds.
Contains Antioxidants that fight cancer, oxidative damage
Helps lower Blood pressure.
Nuts and Seeds
(Almonds, pistachos, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds etc)
High in vitamins and polyphenols which protects against oxidized LDL cholesterol
Helps raise HDL and lower LDL
Reduces inflammation
Best source of monounsaturated fats
Helps reduce severity of viruses
Can help lower blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol
Contains antioxidants that protect against ageing and cell damage
Helps detoxify heavy metals
Powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Prevents and treats nausea
Helps reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis
Helps lower blood sugar in diabetics
Help reduce LDL cholesterol and improve brain function
Turmeric and Curcumin
Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Boosts BDNF with fights against brain degeneration
Lower heart disease risk
Helps with symptoms of arthritis
May help boost dopamine and can help with depression
Salmon, Sardines and Mackerel
High in selenium and vitamin B12
Helpers decrease risk factors for disease
Contains astaxanthin which benefits the brain and heart
Helps lower omega 6 levels and triglycerides
May help with chronic inflammation
Reduces symptoms of depression and improves mood
Protects fetal brain during pregnancy and helps slow cognitive production
Supports eye health and bone health
Increases energy levels and decreases fatigue
Helps reduce risk of diabetes over the long term
Associated with reduction in cognitive decline and alzheimer's
Linked to lower risk of depression
Decreased risk of death from chronic liver disease, liver scarring and cancer
Supports heart health by lowering the risk of heart disease, heart failure and stroke
May improve athletic performance
Whole Grains
High in minerals, fiber and plant compounds
Lowers risk of heart disease and stroke
Linked to lower levels of obesity and type 2 diabetes especially in the place of refined carbs
Supports healthy digestion
Lowers inflammation
Great fiber source
Beans and Legumes
Nutrient dense
Lowers risk of diabetes
Linked to reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes
Reduction in blood pressure and especially cholesterol
Whey protein
May lower blood pressure via ace inhibitors
Moderates blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity
reduces inflammation (CRP)
Strengthens the body's antioxidant defenses via glutathione
May help fight cancers and aid in recovery from surgeries
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