Provides stress relief by doing something you like
Provides a mental break while remaining productive
Presents new challenges for you to overcome which allows you to get small wins
Helps you learn about your talents and about yourself
It can help career improvement and meeting new people
Stimulates different areas of the brain in addition to dopamine and serotonin release
It can directly or indirectly improve income based on skills accrued or people you meet
It improves restlessness
Stops you from time wasting and engaging in destructive habits you would otherwise be doing
Improves self esteem,
Helps you learn new ideas and perspectives
Helps improve memory
It helps improve your patience
Can be used to give back to others or equip you with skills to serve
Makes your social life more interesting
Increases chances for new opportunities
Increases knowledge
Helps you learn Stress management
Can improve physical and emotional health depending on the hobby
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